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When Will I Wear That? (Originally published 10/08/2013)



Sometimes I knit things without knowing when and wear I'll wear them. I bought an issue of Knitting Today because it had this pattern for a felted rose purse. It took a sweater quantity of Cascade 220, a yarn I've used a lot because the price is usually right, but that I've never really liked. But the yarn was in the perfect red and I couldn't resist.

The pattern was so poorly written that I can see why the magazine isn't published anymore. I don't know if they employed incompetent editors and test knitters or none at all. Another knitter in the Ravelry community had to email the designer for a clarification on the wrap and turns. And the pattern insists you make the puzzling choice to sew the purse all the way around and then cut it open after felting. I ended up essentially mangling one side of the rose.

But the pattern and all the frustration was worth it when I finished. It turned out so awesome. But I have only carried it three times. It picks up lint from my clothes and pills. It doesn't hold very much. And it just isn't my style. But I can't stand the thought of giving it away.

So what do you do when you didn't have the common sense to ask yourself, "When will I wear that?" before you knit something? No. Seriously. That isn't a rhetorical question I need guidance. What do you do?

Thrummed Mittens. Never Again.

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