You don’t need a husband. But you do need a life. Welcome to the Unmarried Woman Revolution.

I'm a Lousy Photographer

I'm a Lousy Photographer


I am nearly always proud of my knitting. But alas I take awful pictures so it isn't always obvious why. When people see my projects in real life I get oohs and ahhs. While my photos get squints and "Oh. Yeah. That looks nice." No. It isn't nice. It is the result of a master knitter plying her craft. See what I did there? Plying my craft. Gee, I love yarn puns.  I am not much for the marriage thing but I find myself considering trolling dating websites for a photographer who will make my stuff look as good as it is for the bargain price of a few home-cooked meals and the occasional sex. 

I present to you my latest frustration. A beautiful baby sweater I knitted for the daughter of my oldest friend in the world. I worked on it for months. Every stitch is perfect. I spent 6 hours just seaming it together. It made me want to get pregnant and keep it for myself. But in pictures it practically looks like an old washrag. Sigh. 

Project Details

  1. Pattern: Twiggy from Baby Botanicals by Alana Dakos
  2. Yarn: Malabrigo Mechita
  3. Needles: Size 3 bamboo

When a fling becomes something MORE