You don’t need a husband. But you do need a life. Welcome to the Unmarried Woman Revolution.

Believe in yourself...And

One of the excuses my friends give me for being husband hungry, or hesitant to leave a bad marriage, is their fear of giving up a man doing “Man things”. And to that I say, “Phooey”. Or a profane version of that. Sure, it would help to have a teammate. But I can do virtually everything myself.

I didn’t own a car for almost 20 years. But after my accident, I wasn’t able to negotiate public transportation. So I bought a car. And…the learning curve has been steep. I bought a Nissan Leaf which is a 100% electric car, so that eliminates some of the things that can go wrong. But my robot car has too many alerts. And I recently learned it freaks out when I have low tire pressure. And I learned from my buddy Tim that when the air gets cold the tire pressure goes down. Gah!!!!!!!

Well, I tried to add air to my own tires. But I couldn’t contort my body to both hold the hose and look at the display. On my second attempt I managed to let more air out of the left rear tire. Gah!!!!!!!!

I was just about to throw in the towel and have a friend do it for me. But I found swallowing my pride difficult. And suddenly is occured to me to buy a gadget. There is always a gadget. So I bought this portable rechargeable air compressor. And it was so easy to use. And now I feel like a Big Girl who can do it by herself.

The lesson…You don’t need a husband, you just need confidence and Amazon.

Continued Adventures in Farming