You don’t need a husband. But you do need a life. Welcome to the Unmarried Woman Revolution.

I Googled Spinster 9/25/2011

You don't need a husband, but you do need a life. I've never been married. And that is something I have only about 50% control over. I've had a few chances to marry people who sucked. I could currently be married to someone I either didn't love, or someone I loved who treated me poorly. So, short of lowering my standards, there is nothing that I can do to get myself married. All I can do is have a amazing life that I love.

I choose to be happy in this life.

In Shakespeare's time it was said that unmarried women would be condemned to "lead apes into hell." I know that is supposed to be an insult but it actually sounds pretty cool. I mean how badass would it be to lead apes anywhere? But it does bring up one of my pet peeves with being unmarried, the stigma of it.

I reject the stigma attached to being a woman in her thirties who has never married. I am phenomenal and odds are so are you.

*I'm brilliant.

* Kinda Cute, if a more than a little chubby.

* I'm worldly and well read.

* I'm crafty

* I'm a faithful Chicago Bears fan

* I'm a great cook.

* I'm hilarious.

* I'm an animal rights advocate

* I'm the world's foremost expert in guilty pleasure music.

* I love old people, children, and dogs.

The only reason I'm not married is...Well...Simply because I'm just not. I do still assume I will get married at some point in my life. But it would be silly of me to not live in the meantime. I plan to be happy in this life, the one I am living right now. Join me will you?

I am a Spinster! I am reclaiming the pejorative.

Jane Austen...Merry Spinster 9/25/2011